If you don't need full audio post facilities - just brilliant voice quality and professional attention to detail, then try us. Cheap As Chips voice recording studio - with Cheap studio rates (for London's West End anyway!). Bookings@Cheap-As-Chips.com | +44 (0)207 580 5984 c/o The Sound Company, The Old School, 23 Gosfield Street, London W1W 6HG Please note: Payment by card, latest the next day.
If you can't meet our payment terms, see sound.co.uk for more details.
Cheap-as-Chips rates
* Voice record/ISDN/Source Connect Now (etc) 1/2hr £45 + VAT, 1hr £80, add £20 p/h if to pic. Plus VAT. *
Out-of-hours fees add £40 p/h. Photocopying/printing: Mono, if over 50, 5p per page charged from page one. Colour 15p per page from first page.
You can participate fully in your session by using Skype/Zoom/Source Connect Now, ipDTL etc - or a mobile or landline. You can send us picture/audio files by, say, We Transfer (free) prior to the session - and we'll deliver the final audio back to you after the session.
Of course, since the pandemic, you may be using voice actors "home studios". Some are brilliant technically - some are dreadful. We can check/advise on quality, and edit, mix etc. Many voice actors are eager to start working in studios again.
We don't have a debt-chasing team - this helps to maintain our cheap prices - so we only accept card payments. We will (1) send you a costing after the session. (2) Request a card payment. (3) Once the payment has gone through we'll send you a fully "PAID" VAT invoice within a few days. Please ensure you or your company can work this way - before you book a session!
www.Cheap-as-Chips.com | Bookings@Cheap-as-Chips.com +44 (0)207 580 5984 c/o The Sound Company, The Old School, 23 Gosfield Street, London W1W 6HG
Please also check out www.sound.co.uk for your more demanding sessions. We are within their 6,500 sq ft building and match their technical standards and voice quality.
Oxford Circus,
Warren Street,
Great Portland Street
CitiPark: Clipstone Mews.
Q-Park: Harley Street.
NCP: Portland Place